Blogging can be a hugely powerful way to connect with current customers and engage new ones. But as many business owners will tell you, it can be a challenge to come up with great blog content ideas that consistently engage your audience.

The reality is there is great blog content inspiration to be found everywhere in your business – from the questions customers ask, to an insight into why you do what you do.

So let’s look at 14 blog content ideas that will have you churning out topical, engaging and informative content year after year.

Frequently asked questions

Some of the best blogging inspiration can be found in the questions your customers frequently ask.

Write a list of these common questions and begin answering them one by one. Not only does this help you inform your customer, it indicates you understand their needs and positions you as an expert in your field.


‘How to’ is one of the most commonly searched terms on the internet, so it’s an excellent trend to tap into when creating blog content.

Think of how your products or services are used and offer advice on how your customers can apply these techniques, linking to the relevant items your business offers.

Behind the scenes

Who doesn’t love a sneak peek into how something is created or what business owners and staff spend their time doing?

Think of the products you offer or the services you provide and create a blog post that offers a behind the scenes insight into how you do it.

Staff profiles

On a similar note, there’s a good chance the staff within your business have some great stories to tell, so why not profile them in a blog post to allow your customers to get to know everyone who works at your organisation?

Industry updates

Chances are your business operates within a greater industry landscape, and this can be an interesting topic for customers to learn more about.

That’s where industry updates come in, offering insight into changes that are occurring or external factors that might be affecting demand and supply of products and services.

These types of blog posts are also a great way to tap into available statistics and data that helps build trust in your business and create authority.

It’s also a way to break down common industry terms which your customers might find a bit overwhelming.

Case studies

Case studies are a great way of illustrating how your products and services are used and the difference they can make to your customers’ lives.

A good case study often involves reaching out to a satisfied customer to document what they hoped to achieve, how you helped them do it and how satisfied they are with the final result.

Latest innovations

In any industry there are always new innovations occurring, and these can be great to look at in both a current and historical context.

What have been some of the hallmark innovations in your sector, what changes have occurred and what’s likely to happen from here?

Trends emerging

When you highlight trends emerging with products and services you provide or things that are happening in your industry, you showcase your expertise and establish authority in your space.

Trends make a great blog post idea, and can often see you citing official sources beyond your business.


Tips are hugely popular and blog posts can range from tips on typical ways to use a product to more creative ideas.

Tips can often take the form of listicle articles where you offer five tips, seven tips or 10 tips on how to use something, how to create something, or how to reach a goal.

Myth busting

Every industry has its myths, and tackling them is a great way to educate your customers. Myth busting can also be a whole lot of fun and offer the type of content that is likely to trend.

Think of myths that relate to your industry or products, or mistakes people commonly make when selecting the type of products you have or services you offer, then create a blog post that offers the insight that helps set your customers on the right track.  

A little history

What’s the story behind your brand? How and why did you get started and what’s changed and evolved over the years?

By offering a little history about your business, you help your customers get to know and trust you, which ensures your business remains top of mind.


Blogs are the perfect way to offer a little inspiration and aspiration of what people can achieve using your products or services.

Inspirational blogs should be coupled with compelling pictures along with tips on how your customer can recreate the scenario using your products.

Business announcements

Although your bank of blog articles should never read like a series of advertisements or relentless self-promotion, blogs do offer the opportunity for the occasional business announcement.

That might be the addition of new staff, the opening of new premises or a new product that you have added to your lineup of offerings.

If you’re making a business announcement in a blog, don’t forget to offer the ‘why’ behind this decision so customers get to know your business better and understand what that announcement means to them.

Culture insight

Customers buy from you when they know, like and trust you, so give them an insight into why you do what you do, and the ethos your business has.

At the moment things like ethical consumerism and social responsibility are big drawcards for customers, so create a series of blog posts that share an insight into how your business helps protect the environment, supports its staff, or works within the community.

Looking for more blog content tips?

If you’re looking for more great blog content tips and ideas, check out the Blogspiration deck, which is packed full of great content ideas that you can easily implement in your business, or take a deep dive into the art of blogging with my ‘Blogging for Business’ e-course.

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